If you find yourself sleeping peacefully on Friday night only to awake with a sudden gasp for breath at 6am Saturday morning……….. fear not! It is only the “Bimbler Inside” of you having one of those automatic reflex responses when one of our own step to the starting line of something well, BIG!! 6am East coast time is when Bimble will be starting his quest for the Leadville 100……. Guthrie will no doubt be ready to go as well!! We’ll look forward to updates and will be hoping you both get back to sleep at a reasonable time on Sunday! Enjoy the views guys…. it should be chilly at night Guthrie – bundle up girl!! (and take photos!!)
Thanks, we’ll try and keep the updates coming
Good Luck Guys!!! Have a great race Jerry.
GO Get
um JERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck Mr. Bimble and Guthrie! Jerry, may your flighty, “un-leaded” feet “leed” you to victory! We’ll all be thinking about you and sending positive energy vibes your way.