Sorry to Suds and Snobody, but your 6 AM start was not in the cards, plus we were starting at the southern end. I did see your cars in the Route 9 lot when we dropprd off MRSAJC’s friends car so they could go get breakfast after 12. I was going to miss my banana and Nutella crepes. But again after logging 36 miles on the Quinimay in the last couple of weeks, alas I have not seen one horse. Where are they training for their Vermont races???? I saw plenty of evidence in the form of hoof prints and horse poo, but no horses or riders. I actually believe I got close when I heard people talking close ahead, and could see fresh hoof prints, well I’m not sure how fresh the hoof prints were, but the poo was fresh. My nose could tell that. Sadie and I even smelled horses on the breeze, and she was acting like something was ahead, but we never caught up. Anyway, it was a beautiful day for a run and I was thinking of you all. I was also empathetic for the crepes.
Maps of the Quinimay Trail: http://www.lcrvhc.org/mapproject.htm
Bounce, I have seen horses on the Quinimay and hope to see more before VT. Also, I have it on good authority from a trail maintainer I worked with Saturday at Cockaponset that everything north of Beaver Meadow Road is highly speculative at this point.